Building Sustainable Customer Relationships is still a struggle for many companies. How to interact with customers, how do they initiate actions. The Individual behaviors digital and non digital which we see. All these actions they perform are initiated by them not you. Customer Journeys starts with a Customer. This urges a Customer Centric mindset in the Organization. Don’t compromise on taking the Customer Experience as the starting point and know that your Brand is less important then you think (Sharp, 2010). To get in connection with the mindset of a Customer, takes effort to gain deep insights. It urges real…
READ MOREOrganizations cannot hide the way they interact internal to the outside world. Improving your Customer Experience starts with your Employees Experience in every stage or job or department of your organization. Specific those who are representing the direct contacts, the interactions with the customer. Or those within an Organization who have indirect influence and are responsible for the Service and Products Designs and practices that are delivered. If you don’t threat the representative Employees in your organization like a Customer, what can you expect from Customer Experience? Even how complains are handled can in such perspective turn into positive experiences.
READ MOREBuilding Sustainable Customer Relationships is still a struggle for many companies. Since they have the digital opportunities like Marketing Automation and CMS systems to interact it doesn’t implicate a personalized approach. How do companies learn from all interactions in cross channels with a Customer? How do they initiate and activate based on personal intentions and needs. Individual behaviors digital and non digital. Digital Marketing Innovation set many professionals in the potential drivers seat, but it all starts with a Customer Centricity mindset. Don’t compromise on taking the Customer Experience as the starting point and know that your Brand is less…
READ MOREThe Ocean Clean Up is a true non business, social business idea. It’s about connecting people with the same drive. Participation can also be done on business intention, but crowdfunding feels more emotional as a participation and engaged ownership. The way such crowdfunding initiatives engage people, is based on trust and full commitment and involvement like it was in the early days of entrepreneurship where people feel connected with the company where they invest.
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Customer Centric Selling, Utrecht, The Netherlands
+31 (6) 51088807