Building Sustainable Customer Relationships is still a struggle for many companies. How to interact with customers, how do they initiate actions. The Individual behaviors digital and non digital which we see. All these actions they perform are initiated by them not you. Customer Journeys starts with a Customer. This urges a Customer Centric mindset in the Organization. Don’t compromise on taking the Customer Experience as the starting point and know that your Brand is less important then you think (Sharp, 2010). To get in connection with the mindset of a Customer, takes effort to gain deep insights. It urges real anticipation on the role you play. Each interaction can have an effect. What moves the Customer. What triggers contact, what are the drivers, the expectations and in what way perception and mindset get to work, that is what starts. Customer Centricity is more then just a principle.
Senior Marketing Professional (SMP) with various roles in different industries like Credit Card, Utilities, Telecom, ICT, Software and Publishing. Brand Management, Marketing Comunications, Loyalty, Acquisition, Customer Experience, Brand Activation, Digital Marketing.
Feel free to contact us
Customer Centric Selling, Utrecht, The Netherlands
+31 (6) 51088807