The power of Interaction. Define what your business should deliver.
On slideshare you will found further explanation too.
The CCXi- Customer Centricity Index explains the relation between Internal Communication and Customer Centricity. These are seen as two critical strongly linked concepts. To build strong interactions with customers you should first focus on your own Internal Communications.
Employees are your first Customers. You cannot create Happy Customers without Happy Employees who are pride, responsible and engaged with what they deliver everyday. Interaction is the ultimate driver of Customer Experience. Do you threat your Employees as your main ambassadors?
Which of the 6 levels does your business need to be successful ?
High level of interaction is required and therefore usage of an agile and scrum way of collaboration and real time service with clear expectation management to solve customer problems and realize customer and business value.
The marketing funnel is changed dramatically to the other way around where we could engage on a one to one level, multi channel and leverage expertise of all available levels. David Rogers (2011, Yale) visualized this major change below.
(S.Diller, N. Shedroff, D. Rhea, 2008).
Experience in itself is become much more important in customer decisions then Brand Identity. For over the past 5 decennia building a Brand based on a strong defined Identity was the main building block for successful marketing. Instead of pushing a message is it rather starting a two way conversation. Some which could be initiated by the customer too.
The customer decision journey process McKinsey 2009
The customer decision journey model is in essence that Brand’s can’t act to customers anymore from a lineair perspective as an one off event where one transaction take place. All interaction before and after the moment of purchase are basic input for all interactions to end up in a state of mind which will take certain decisions throughout the life time circle in an iterative manner.
Ajzen, 1991
The power of Advocacy and in words of Ajzen ‘Subjective Norms’ is ultimate powerful to address ways to understand Customer Behaviors today.
At what level is your Organization operating in terms of Interaction capacity and competences linked to the level of Customer Centric Operating daily business?
To scan your Organization on which level they are and should be, you have to deep dive various aspects and drive and manage differs Competences to lead an Organization to the level of adaptiveness, agility to operate on the right level.
Further outlay of the CCXi levels which are mainly build on the competencies in Communication (Corporate Culture and Information-Interaction capabilities).
Feel free to contact us
Customer Centric Selling, Utrecht, The Netherlands
+31 (6) 51088807