To measure your state of Customer Centricity and Scan your state of CCX as key competence of your Corporate Culture it is possible to do an Assessment of your Internal Communication related to the Innovativeness and Customer Centric capability of your Organization, Company or Business Unit.
The Communication Matrix will help you to indicate how far you are in CCX. Employees are the main source for Innovation and Customer Centricity, therefore the tool will give you a clear reflection by asking your Employees. Employees are a good source for Customer Centric competences.
The Assessment can tell you together with the Corporate Sense of Urgency at what level you are and what the gap to target is.
Customer Centricity Tool
To validate the status of the Customer Centricity and Innovation power of your Organization, you can easily have a quick scan by asking Employees on their perceptions and experiences around both Communication Culture and Information Richness. You are able to have a first impression on the potential gap where your ambition and demand is vs the current state of your organization.
You don’t want to end up with values that are only nice phrased expressions instead of deeply incorporated values that drives real employee behaviors. And as such recognized by Employees.
Please click on the CCi index picture below to enter your personal survey as an example:
Please try to estimate your state of Customer Centricity by the Questionary tool which indicates your power and competence to interact. This is your main driver for Innovation and Customer Centricity.
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